About Angelica

Hi, I am Angelica. I'm working in Chandigarh young escort originally I am from Chennai before I used to live in the United States but not I have immigrated to Chennai. I'm a fit hour-glass-shaped Indian woman with soft skin and long hair that is famously known for my 34G's. I have been in this business for 20 years now and it is my passion, love, and life.Looking for a Escort like VIP Escorts Chandigarh who will make your dreams come true? I'm the perfect choice as you'll have me by their side at any time and anywhere! With my near-perfect sense of humor, we can enjoy each other's company in all sorts of ways. Contact me now to schedule our meeting!

Sexuality Bisexual
Nationality Indian
Bust Large(D)
Age 22 Years
Height 5'0
Eye Black
Hair Black
Languages English, Hindi, Tamil
Rate Incall Outcall
1 Hour 15000 INR 15000 INR
2 Hour 25000 INR 25000 INR
3 Hour 35000 INR 35000 INR
Full Night 45000 INR 45000 INR